Michelle K

You‘ve just opened a website about my music and my photography - my two joys. I have devoted much time to both of them within my whole life, actually since my childhood. As the life has been going on I was sometimes close and deep in and sometimes just going around these two themes picking up the experience and impulses for further work.
Now I compose music, write lyrics, sing and play my songs with piano. I like photographing people, face expressions, man’s stories and details of nature.
I was born in the year of the Dragon and my star sign is Gemini, I believe in goodness and love, and I don’t believe things happen by accident.
If only my music and photography made you happy and filled you with joy.
Foto: Michelle K
Foto: Alena Chmelová
Foto: Michelle K
Michaela Klobušická Mgr.
singer/musician and photographer
( allias Michelle K. )
Jablonec nad Nisou
e-mail: michaela.klobusicka@gmail.com
FB: @icanseeyourbeauty